Please help! When I export my texture to roblox, it gives me these random black spots. I have my lighting and shadows turned off so I don’t think shadow is the problem. There’s nothing wrong with my UV mapping, I don’t know what’s happening!
Please help! When I export my texture to roblox, it gives me these random black spots. I have my lighting and shadows turned off so I don’t think shadow is the problem. There’s nothing wrong with my UV mapping, I don’t know what’s happening!
Can you highlight the black spots that you’re describing? I’m having a hard time understanding what you mean.
Also, I think it would be easier to use the Snipping Tool (if you use Windows) or PrntScrn to copy the visual information on the monitor to the Clipboard. You might want to crop stuff like the Taskbar on the bottom of your screen if you don’t want people seeing that.
We’re not able to see things as clearly due to the quality of the picture you took (I assume with a phone), so this would make it easier.
The black background of the UV Maps might be bleeding into the texture itself somehow, but it looks like you already have an outline around your texture already, so I’m not entirely sure why this is happening.
That’s better. Thanks.
How big is the original texture? It’s possible that it got messed up if ROBLOX had to downscale it when it was uploaded. The highest texture resolution currently is 1024x1024.
By the looks of it, you’re applying the textures from one model onto a model with a different UV Layout. Did you perhaps alter the UV Layout at any point and not export that update into Studio?
As a fix I would suggest exporting the model from Blender back into Studio again and giving it another shot. We know that the model works in Blender, so assuming that it’s a mismatch in model UVs, doing this should fix any problems you’re having.
yup, the texture’s 1024 x 1024. Anything else that might be doing this?
Maybe the exporting process is wrong. Can you tell me how you do it first?
I save it to file and then upload it as decal to roblox create page, then copy the texture ID and put it to the mesh texture ID section
Mhm… how about the mesh? Did you select all then Export as OBJ and use the following setting? If so it might be the problem.
The “selection only” was off whoops; I can’t find the rest of what you have on your screen, how do I get there?
You are exporting it as an .FBX. Export it as an .OBJ file in order for these settings to show up.
By the way, were all parts of your mesh joined together? Different material groups could be the cause of this. You could try selecting the “Material groups” option as well in the process of exporting.
Thank you thank you so much, very grateful for your help and the other’s as well.