Hi I’m new here, I made a custom character and I added default animations to it, but they are the wrong way, root part is facing front, and I re rigged the root part to the upper torso still not working, I individually rotated all rigs on the y axis 180 degrees as in : 0, 180, 0. But it still runs really weird? I don’t know how to rotate them the right way to get it. I tried every rotation and I cant find the right orientation and position I don’t know what to do? the only way it animates the way I want is when it’s backwards! Also my mesh body parts are hollow on the inside, they are all double-sided but all rig parts are hollow I have spent like 5 hours on this I’m so close to giving up I need help!!! And I need help with beginner explanations thank you
Hi, i hope that you didn’t give up !! I encounter the same issue couples days ago.
I’m not sure but i don’t think that default animations works on custom character. Default characters are made for R15 or R6 character. This is good because it seems like you have 15 parts, you can absolutely, re-import you character and change “custom” to “R15”. If you named correcty your part, and your rigs it should work. Let me know if you don’t know how to import to R15, or if the isse still persist