Help changing every player's ui from an admin panel

Hello everyone,

I want to change every person’s boarding pass UI from an admin panel. However, there are many different text-box options and I am not sure how to globally change text with a TextBox.

An important note: The UI is equippable via a tool, and it’s not always active.

I tried this ServerScript:

	for i, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
		player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Ticket").ImageLabel.Conf.Text = script.Parent.Text

It doesn’t work, and even if it did, it would be too tedious to copy it to all of these:

Is there any way I can quickly handle all of these TextBoxes and also successfully change the text on every player’s UI?

Thanks in advance.

Just iterate through the ancestor object’s children and perform a check for the child’s class name which in this case is TextBox by using the IsA instance method.

Where is the path in explorer?!

Temporarily, I put the UI in StarterGui, just for testing.

I did that before, just deleted the script as I did not know what to do with it and how to detect a change.

It seems like I’ve misunderstood your question.
Anyways, you’ve gotten two problems in the script you provided:

  • Iterating through the Players service instead of Players:GetPlayers()
  • Waiting for the gui named Ticket to be created if not and yielding the loop which is not desired in this case. (wrap the loop function into task.spawn)

I’m not sure about How it doesn’t work, are there any errors showing up?
Also, what do you mean by the second part of this?

There are no errors in output.