Would it be possible to connect a Pastebin link into Roblox Studio to use it with a table outside of Roblox so I wouldnt need to publish my game everytime I need to update any UserIds?
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why not just use roblox datastores ? but yes you can by using HttpService and creating GET request
Just like Bura was saying, it would probably be much better to use datastores for this. However you could use HttpService to connect to pastebin (unless the whitelisting of IP becomes an issue) but it seems you have to pay for “PRO” to do that
You don’t need any APIs, just send a GET to /raw/ followed by the paste ID:
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local Paste = "paste id here"
local Success, Message = pcall(function()
return HttpService:GetAsync("https://" .. "pastebin.com/raw/" .. Paste)
print(Success, Message)
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