I’m looking for someone to make a developer community group on Roblox with. Targeted towards moderate or improving developers and artists. Would prefer someone who has a good history on the platform and has friends and allies that can help us grow. There is no pay but you will get to be a Co-Owner of a cool developer community. DM me on Discord if interested: sizzle#7179
I have already made the group I just need someone to help it grow
Ooohh, I was confused lol. Wasn’t mad, might have sounded like it though. I’ve just never seen the “(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)” message and was curious
First off, the right template is not followed as stated by alot of people. Also, we need information about the company. There are different types of developers, which one does this group focus on?
Basically just a laid back developer community for developers artists and Robloxians alike lol
Will have like giveaways events etc
Generally just a fun and helpful server for devs
If you aren’t hiring developers to work on a project, this doesn’t belong here, what I can tell for this bland post is you just trying to gain members for a community of yours, which isn’t allowed. Refer here:
This category is where developers can post job offers for long-term partnerships or short-term contract work for the development of their projects, and where other developers can find work opportunities.