[HELP CREATE] Developer Community

It isn’t much of a company, it is more of just a fun community where different developers such as the following can hang out:

-etc you get the gist all types of developers and stuff

Hey sizzles, you looking for animators?

What does “hanging out” mean? Is it just a group to chat on? If so then why do you need a “Co-Owner” is it just for moderation?

Well, once I have the server ready you can definitely join. I don’t need one personally but maybe someone else does!

Well I just need someone to grow the group and stuff

Message me if you need a logo. Ill do it free of charge

This is my portfolio

Basically just a laid back developer community for developers artists and Robloxians alike lol
Will have like giveaways events etc
Generally just a fun and helpful server for devs

If you aren’t hiring developers to work on a project, this doesn’t belong here, what I can tell for this bland post is you just trying to gain members for a community of yours, which isn’t allowed. Refer here:


This category is where developers can post job offers for long-term partnerships or short-term contract work for the development of their projects, and where other developers can find work opportunities.

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Wait dang it, I thought I posted this in collaboration. Didn’t I? Im new to the forum lol

I suggest moving this to the #bulletin-board category

Yes, you posted this to collaboration.

Alright well if this is in collaboration I think it is placed correctly. Im looking for partners and other users to help create a big developer community

I think what people are saying is that Recruitment is for hiring developers for jobs that relate to developing.

This is the right call. Bulletin Board is used for any posts unrelated to developing. You say you want someone to ‘grow it’, so this sounds like something that should be arranged outside of the forums. :grinning:


Recruitment is not for just developers. It’s for all types of jobs

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Well, the catagory says:

This category is where developers can post job offers for long-term partnerships or short-term contract work for the development of their projects, and where other developers can find work opportunities.

Ok, and? my point still stands

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It’s not for all types of jobs, only for development jobs and work opportunities, there’s no working going on in this post.

“work opportunities”
you said it yourself

this post is asking for members for a community, not hurting any developers for anything.

OP is asking for a partner to work on a project with