Help creating a flipbook reader for my water!

I have a editable mesh Ocean system which I want to take to the next level

using FFT calculations instead of Gerstner wave calculations, seeing it’s computation costs I’ve decided to use a precomputed approach using Blenders ocean modifiers, by storing the wave data as a flipbook heightmap.

For your information it’s a flipbook comprising of 64 frames each 128x128, with 8 frames per row in a 8x8 grid. I want to create an editable image using this image, and use ReadPixelBuffer() to read each frame and store it in a table.

I think Roblox’s ReadPixelBuffer() is the perfect candidate for this, though documentation exists I can’t find any proper solutions or methods without getting an error or no results. I have tried contact many people on discord and the forums to get declined of information or given few answers.

I want to implement a chunk system where each chunk runs at a different speed and amplitude to reduce tiling, and have multiple flipbooks to reduce repetitiveness and increase the performance to run less than 1.3ms~ (Current speed) to even lower.

I plan on open-sourcing this as part of my system was made by a friend of mine (Azlan) for the community to use! (If I succeed)

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