Help creating emote catalog

I want to develop an emote catalog, but for that I need the IDs and I don’t know where to get them in an easy way, other than manually.

Example below:*
Captura de tela 2024-01-21 205149

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Maybe try using the HTTPS Service in order to achieve your goal?

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Roblox does not offer a built-in way of searching the catalog and does not allow HTTP requests to any Roblox APIs from game servers. To achieve this you would need to send HTTP requests to a proxy server, which then forwards the requests to Roblox.

This is the API you are looking for:

There are free proxy services out there dedicated to this use-case but be advised that they are usually slow and frequently go down.

Reading some topics I ended up finding an API that prints emote information. But I have no idea how I can separate the Id from this information.

Captura de tela 2024-01-21 205951

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If the items are sorted in an array, you can simply loop through the array and reference the id of each item.

The decodedData variable is the JSON Decoded HTTP response from the API. You will also need to create a remote to fetch the data from the server, as you cannot make HTTP requests from the client.

for index, item in pairs(decodedData) do -- Loops through the decodedData array
    print( -- Prints each item's ID
    -- You should create the UI about the emote here

Thanks a lot for the help!! I managed to print the separate IDS.

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