Help - Datastore2 | Not running script because past shutdown deadline

Hello, I would like help to know what is the cause of the error and how to fix it.

I use datastore2 to save and store user data, among them I use to save a true or false variable to see if I already claim the group premium.

The point is that at the moment of applying the data:

local Roullete = Database("GroupRewards", plr)
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()

if not success then
	warn("[ERROR] Data roullete of "..plr.Name..", Not saving")

I get this error (something that did not happen before):
“Not running script because past shutdown deadline”

If I save it within the game without needing to do so when the player or player event exits. When I stop the game, it creashea for 10 seconds and then jump that error in different scripts that keep a “wait()” in their code. But if I don’t save it, the game saves normally, it doesn’t matter if I save it before or after, it always happens when I close the game.

Within the same game, it happens to close, but it does not save.
Any solution?

IG you can force the shutdown to be delayed a little?

    task.wait(3) -- to give it like 3 extra seconds to process it

I found the solution, apparently the cache was overexploding because of so many things I have saved in the playerremove, so what I did is to do the Set() during the game to avoid the cache overexploitation.

thank you for your help anyways

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