[HELP] Filtering Disabled script doesn't disable FE for my game

What the script is suppose to do is when the game loads, it waits for it to load and once loaded is suppose to make Filtering Enabled = false, but it says: [Unable to assign property FilteringEnabled. Script write access is restricted]

How would I be able to force FE to be turned off via script?

warn(“Waiting for game to load…”)

wait(3) – Wait for game to load

workspace.FilteringEnabled = false – attempts to disable filtering


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You can’t do this. Roblox forces this on all games, and the FilteringEnabled property was never script-writable anyway.

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Then why is the option to tick FE in workspace still there?

It determines whether or not the “The developer needs to update the game” message shows up on the page of the game I believe. Other than that it does nothing.

Someone I saw made a script in free model that disables FE but not the way of the one I showed, I don’t know if it works but it looks professionally made and I don’t know if it works, would it?

You’re wrong, it doesn’t just show that message. It also determines if changes made from client side should directly be replicated to Server, you can read more about it here.

You can’t disable FE, there will never be a way to, and there is no reason to.

Please read that page again:

You can’t set it through a script anymore, but its available to be set from Studio. Sorry my bad I believe.

There is a reason to though. I want to test my old game I have from 2010 and it doesn’t work anymore because of FE, I don’t want the hassle of hiring someone to make an entire game be FE compatible just to test it

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Well make it FE compatible or deal with the fact that it won’t work anymore.

I just said I don’t want the hassle of hiring someone to translate the game though…

I think You can disable Filtering Enabled if you click Workspace object in the explorer, and then Disable the Filtering Enabled option.

Then just do it yourself, and when you need help you can make topics on #help-and-feedback:scripting-support.

There’s nothing you can do then. It’s not an easy process so you don’t have a lot of options here.

Again that won’t work, as the game will still have network filtering regardless of the property being ticked or not. See: Removal of Experimental Mode

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Then in that case, would it be a TOS violation or whatever to transfer my game to a Roblox emulator website so that I can test the game out just for nostalgia? Does Roblox even enforce their copyrighted work onto 3rd party websites that have Roblox’s client code to emulate their stuff?

I’m asking this because I really want to experience my old game once again but don’t want to risk whatever might come by doing so…

EDIT: Also this includes transferring other old uncopylocked games like Teamwork Obby and Call of Robloxia 5 for example that I want to experience again but were broken due to FE

I know there are old Roblox client simulators like Finobe but I haven’t used it and I don’t know nor care if they are against the rules.

You can still experience your game without old Roblox simulators if you convert it to FE. If you really want to experience it then make an effort converting the game.