Help fixing my house interior building

Hi everyone! I’m creating a house with interior for my game, I’m really new to building but it start going well:
But one thing that is really bothering me is the interior itself. Something doesn’t look very well and I don’t know how to fix it:

this is the only room that looks ok (at least for me, lol)

Idk why it looks kinda ugly, maybe because of the design or the colors…
Anyway I would like to hear what you guys recommend me to do…


The house is actually pretty okay, the thing is it is very dull inside. Most of the rooms are empty and that gives it a hollow feeling.

Try adding some more furniture and details to the walls and floor, that way it will look more alive.

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Hi, ill help you:
Here, the stairs look a bit weird, the last step its like melted on the floor, also the lightning, you can make some lights, or if you dont want lamps, you can add a point light to a part an make it fully transparent, but looks really good, Conrats! :D, also the exterior is perfect

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I already love this, great job!!

I’d recommend adding the following in certain areas of the interior:

  • Pictures frames or people or maybe even your friends, add some lore to it!
  • For even more lore, maybe design some note-like pieces of paper to show a player what’s been going on recently in the house etc.
  • A fireplace in the living room
  • A ton of tools and stuff you’d usually find in a garage
  • Cutlery in the kitchen, places and stuff
  • Seating areas suited for a family in the living room
  • Cupboards and closets in the bedroom
  • Curtains across the window
  • Most importantly, some lights! We always love lights around the house, don’t we?

I’ll leave some references for inspiration down below :slight_smile:

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Empty = Ugly

It’s true. Try adding some furniture. Add some of the stuff @Stratophoria mentioned. Another thing you could do is make it less blocky. It’s mainly the stair railings that look very blocky. I recommend adding bevels to them using blender and making them less thick.

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The ceilings look a bit low from the screenshots, compared to the height of the doors and windows.

I’d also suggest messing around with different textures! Sometimes, depending on the lighting you’re going for, some textures would look better rather than others. I’d also suggest judging it after you throw some more furniture in! Furniture can really change the feeling completely.