I’m creating a thread because I can’t find it. I want to make a plugin, but when it is clicked, I want the GUI to open and when the button is pressed, I want it to create the model on the workspace.
As follows:
I have read and tried many articles but none of them worked. I would be very happy if you could help me.
Thank you for reading!
Plugin GUI’s are fairly easy to setup. You can use the CoreGui to store your UI. All you need to do is make your UI as if it were for a regular game. Example:
Then to use it, you simply need to parent it to the CoreGui:
local coreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui")
local mainGui = script.PluginGui
mainGui.Parent = coreGui
And you’re done. Then you can use the UI just like you would in a game, with events etc. To spawn some model I would do:
local model = Instance.new("Model", workspace)
-- do stuff