Help getting a good muzzle flash

I’m trying to create a good muzzle flash for my gun; one that is more interesting than the basic particles I have now, but I’m having trouble coming up with a good design. Can somebody either link me a good muzzle flash or help explain what I should try doing to create a good muzzle flash?

So far I have tried searching the tool box for a muzzle flash but none of them are white so I cant change their color through script, and most of them just don’t look good

Here’s a video of my current one:


U could use beams like in endorsed guns for muzzle flash and some particles for spark effect

What do you mean when you say endorsed guns?

Try putting a particle inside the attachment where you already have the muzzle flash,and make sure it’s quite bright (Light Emission or Brightness). Make it the size you want and Lifetime has to be quite short. An optional thing I prefer is making the size a NumberSequence and make it slightly become larger at the end.

There exists a pretty good thing for emitting muzzle flashes in scripts:


This will make a particle emitter emit only 1 particle.


By particle do you mean a like a picture of fire that flashes for a frame or an invisible particle than just emits a lot of light?

I highly recommend anything that can be changed in color and turns brighter the more particles are stacked.But by what you asked,an invisible particle that emits light of some kind.

  • 296874871 (Asset ID)

Honestly, what you’ve got right now looks alright, because the bullet doesn’t come out the same way the gun is facing. It’d be quite weird for a straight muzzle flash to come out of a gun who’s bullet takes a 60-degree turn.