In my game, the player chooses a difficulty in the starting place and then I want to move them to a secondary place after they hit play. How would I make it so that if the player selects a certain difficulty in the starting place, it changes things in the secondary place?
You should probably use a datastore since datastores can save over multiple places within once experience. So, make a value called difficulty and save it, then, in the second place, check the difficulty and make adjustments accordingly.
Hope this helps you!
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- You could teleport the player to the place with a teleportdata (Teleporting Between Places | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub) and fetch it in your secondary place.
- Another way which is an upgrade to what @Foxstream52 said would be to use MemoryStores instead of datastores, since their data upload is much faster and reliable. It could be a sortedmap where the index/key would be the game.JobId (called
here TeleportService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub) of the secondary place and the value could be any data that the secondary place needs. Don’t forget to delete it from the MemoryStore once the secondary place reads the data !
Okay thank you guys for the explanations I will look into it
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