Help, how can I start on this Sci-Fi building?

I’m trying to make this sci-fi building for a simulator, but I can’t seem to really get anywhere with it. I’ve been trying to come up with ideas on what to make it look like, but I just keep getting stuck. My brain is completely burnt out of ideas. Honestly, I’m not that creative of a person, so if you could reply with what I could do to basically start on this and how to make it look, I’d be very grateful! Also some game suggestions that I could reference would be good too! Thanks!

The barely started build:

Also here is some of the other builds I made for this game, and the style it’s supposed to be like:

Building 1:

Building 2:

Texting simulator does a pretty good job with making sci-fi like builds. Windows, and a title for the building like a company. Your starting off pretty strong with the neon lines, keep that up! Anyways, what I just said, you should add a title, and windows to the building. Make sure it looks a bit neon.


Okay, I’ll check it out, thanks

The neon parts are good, when looking for areas where to start or to add you should either create variety of shapes and add those important details to make make your build a bit more appealing. I also believe many sci-fi builds strive for many materials and details, like some parts glass, different shape designs etc. Your progress with it though, is good but you should continue to use reference images on what details your messing to make it fit the sci-fi style.

Perhaps something along the lines of pipes, vents, flooring designs or maybe small signs featuring lighting and variety of door types bolts for additional details added to certain parts such as the walls. Always consider using reference images here is a image with a more cyberpunk and sci-fi look;