Help, how do I fix or make this work

Hey, I am trying to do a similar system like many games with pets that give out multipliers , so I want to make a weapon ( is not something you can actually use) that works as something that gives a boost for example like 5x more gems when a specific thing is done.

Here is a script from a click detector where I tried making the multiplier into :

function onMouseClick(Player)
local clickDetector = script.parent --example of the click detector
local getMultiplier
		function getMultiplier(Player, Multiplier1)
			local Multi = 0
			for i,v in pairs(Player.Multipliers:GetChildren()) do
				if v.Equipped.Value == true then
					Multi = Multi + v[Multiplier1].Value -- where it should be getting the value of the multiplier
			local Amount = game.ServerStorage.Amount.Value * Multi
--where it should add it into the calculations.
Player.leaderstats.Gems.Value = Player.leaderstats.Gems.Value + Amount
			return Multi


What is Multiplier1? char limit

Value inside Multipliers children