Hey, how would I blacklist a certain team from a spawn pad. For example, I don’t want cops to be able to change into the criminal team when they touch the pad, how would I do this?
Do you even need a script? In the spawn properties, find ChangeTeamOnTouch or something like that and set it to false if you don’t want them to be teamed once the spawn is touched, for a specific team it’s will be a little more easy.
Hm, but prisoners need to touch it though, but cops shouldn’t be able to. So, I can’t really do that.
local CopsSpawn = script.Parent -- This is a Part
local Player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if Player then
if Player.Team ~= "Cops" then return warn("Player is a Criminal") end
-- Add anything here if they are a cop | or do nothing
-- Not too sure if this would work, In theory it looks like it would.
-- I haven't used Teams before so I'm not sure.
If this doesn’t work I will look into teams and try finding a solution.
local blacklisted = script.Parent -- The spawn
local Player = game:GetService("Players")
local Teams = game:GetService("Teams")
Player:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) -- Get the player and his character
if Player then
if Player.Team ~= "Cops" then
Player:LoadCharacter() -- Respawn so the player with example can see the base
warn("This player is a cop!")
@TheDCraft You don’t get the Teams Service. And do not set the team. You were almost right.
I am not sure if SetTeam work.
Oh right. Yeah I haven’t used teams so I forgot to add the Team Service. Thank you for informing me on that.
Also, make sure to use the SetTeam
to set the player’s team! You can see more here:
Let’s just wait for the post creator to mark one of us the solution.
Player.Team would probably return a error without getting the Team Service.
Something like this should work
local CrimSpawn = script.Parent --Or wherever your criminal changer is located
local teams = game:GetService("Teams")
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
if not player then return end --If the player doesn't exist from hit.Parent
if player.Team.Name == "Cops" then print("User touching is a Cop") return end --If the player is in the "Cops" Team
player.Team = teams["Criminals"]
--player:LoadCharacter() --uncomment this if you would like to respawn the player when they touch the part
This is an example using the Criminal Changer, if whoever is touching is not a player or they’re a cop, the code wont change their team, but if they’re a player and they’re not a cop, it will make them a criminal. Alternatively you can change their team by referencing the team itself
player.Team = teams.Criminals
The first method I used in the example is better for doing that imo, but to each their own
The script worked well, thank you so much!
Anytime! If you have anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!