HELP - How to detect if a model is touching another model

Title is as it says, I am having trouble detecting if a Model is touching another Model.

I’ve already tried to get the individual parts of the models and check if they touched with .Touched and that didnt work…

I would rather use ZonePlus to check but I can’t find any useful functions for it; if anyone has any idea on how to detect two models or two “Zones” with ZonePlus it would be helpful!

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workspace:GetTouchingParts(part) (or something like GetPartBoundsInBox will work too) on all of the parts in the model and if the returned table includes a part from the target model then it’s touching.

Ok but Im trying to detect if a model is inside another model not a part inside another model

Read my reply.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

My bad, I tried this and I’m stuck on one issue, I can’t seem to get the hitbox to detect the other hitbox, no matter what I do. It will detect other parts in the model, except for the hitbox, and I tried to do an if statement but nothing is working. I would accept as solution because I didn’t know about :GetPartsInPart()

is CanQuery or CanTouch turned off for the hitbox part that you’re trying to detect?

is your hitbox part anchored? the Part.Touched:Connect() won’t run on anchored objects

Yes both are on. Now I am really stuck… I did a check function that check the GetPartInPart of model1 and then if it returns true with the part being in it either a random part of the segment, or the hitbox, it will return false if the table returns either the segment attachments or the Pivot. The segment attachments are tiny parts that other pivots can attach too, and the Pivots are parts that attach to the segments. When I run the game, only 1 loads and thats it, for some reason it will NOT load the other ones. I will post all my code here I am so stuck someone please help!

local replicatedStorage = game.ReplicatedStorage
local FloorSegment = replicatedStorage

local Zone = require(game.ServerScriptService.Modules.Zone)

local ZoneManager = require(game.ServerScriptService.Modules.Zone.ZoneController)

--these change how big it can get
local MaxSegmentDepth = 100
local MaxSegments = 100

local SegmentCount = 0

export type Segment = {
	Connections : {Segments}

local FloorSegmentTree = {

local SegmentZones = {

local module = {}

local timesRan = 0

local function shuffleList(list)
	for i = #list, 2, -1 do
		local j = math.random(1, i)
		list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i]  -- Swap elements
	return list  -- Return the shuffled list

function CheckIfTouching(model1)
	if not model1 then return end
	local parts = workspace:GetPartsInPart(model1.HitBox)
	local modelTouched
	for _, part in parts do
		if part.Name ~= "Pivot" or part.Parent ~= "SegmentAttachments" or part.Name == "HitBox" then
			return true
			return false

function CreateSegment(Depth, LastObject, LastObjectConnectionCFrame)
	if Depth >= MaxSegmentDepth then
		print("max segment length reached")
		return false
	if SegmentCount >= MaxSegments then
		print("max segments reached")
		return false
	if LastObject == nil then -- Make the base the first thing that spawns in
		local newFirstOBJ = replicatedStorage.FloorSegments.Base:Clone()
		newFirstOBJ.Parent = workspace
		CreateSegment(Depth+1, newFirstOBJ, newFirstOBJ.Pivot.CFrame)
	local posibleSegments = replicatedStorage.FloorSegments:GetChildren()

	local randSegment = posibleSegments[math.random(1, #posibleSegments)]
	--if LastObject.Name == "Base" and randSegment.Name == "Base" then
		--CreateSegment(Depth, LastObject, LastObjectConnectionCFrame)
	local clonedSegment = randSegment:Clone()
	clonedSegment.Parent = workspace
	local isTouching = CheckIfTouching(clonedSegment)

	if isTouching then
		CreateSegment(Depth, LastObject, LastObjectConnectionCFrame)

	SegmentCount += 1
	CreateSegment(Depth+1, clonedSegment, clonedSegment.Pivot.CFrame)
	-- IDK why we needed this right here I kinda understand the script but im still confused also its 2AM so i might be dumb
	-- but for now it kinda works
	--local SegmentConnectionContinues = clonedSegment.SegmentAttachments:GetChildren()
	--local Segments = {}
	--for i, connection in ipairs(SegmentConnectionContinues) do
		--table.insert(Segments, CreateSegment(Depth + 1, clonedSegment, connection.CFrame))

	--return Segments

function module:GenerateFloor(floorNumber)
	SegmentZones = {}
	FloorSegmentTree = {}
	SegmentCount = 0
	FloorSegmentTree = CreateSegment(0, nil,, 2, 0)) -- Make last obj = nil because we don't have a last OBJ the first time

return module

Forget the other random stuff in their as its just a test baseplate to work into a project I am working on, but there it is. I call the :GenerateFloor on the server script once the game starts. I will also show a screenshot of the Explorer:


Basically the plan was to Generate random and infinite (Well not infinite) Segments to create 1 Floor. The reason why I did nil for the first OBJ is b/c when it runs the first time it will not have an OBJ, so I catch the nil and call the base in REP which is the fiirst one I want to spawn. After that, I want it to dominoe and keep going with the segments but obviously that’s not happening.

This is what is occuring… Only 1 spawns and thats it