[HELP] How to move ray origin position forward depending of lookVector

I can’t find a way to move the ray forward depending on the lookVector. What I thought I wrote was working, but it only moves it globally.


How do I move the raycast origin position forward only based on lookvector?


local origin = mouseOrigin.p + (charLookVector * 10)


It worked, thank you so much!!

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I tried something similar before, but the difference between yours and mine, is that I didn’t multiply it by 10, thanks!!

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Do you think you know how to inverse the mouseOrigin.P’s Y values?

If you look up or down, the ray is like this:

Could you elaborate more on what you’re trying to do?

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Hehe, yeah sorry… so basically if the ray coincides with the mouse.Target (if they detect the same part), then it won’t place a surface… if they don’t coincide, it means you’re aiming at the floor.

So… let me show you this:

If the ray detects a different part from the mouse.Hit, it will place down the surface… but since the camera’s ray is kind of inverted, this will set to true and may place a surface on somewhere where I don’t want it to be

Where are you raycasting to and from?

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Actually I think I can just pick the X and Z axis, and forget the Y so it doesn’t cause that… but now my question is how can I pick those 2 if the ray requires a position with a Vector3?

Raycasting from the mouse.Origin, therefore the camera, going towards a part, and searching if the part coincides with the mouse.Hit

Let me give you the code:

if result and playable == true then
				if (mouseTarget.Orientation.Z <= -5 or mouseTarget.Orientation.Z >= 5) or mouseTarget ~= result.Instance and (mouseHit.p - clone.Position).Magnitude <= 10 then
					hasTriggered = true

					local surfaceClone = surfaceRX:Clone()

					surfaceClone:SetAttribute("surElement", "water")
					surfaceClone.Parent = workspace
					surfaceClone.Position = mouseHit.p
					surfaceClone.hitBox.Position = mouseHit.p + Vector3.new(0,1,0)
					surfaceClone.Rotation =  Vector3.new(0, 0, 90)

					if hit.Name == "groundSurface" and hit:GetAttribute("surElement") == "fire"  then
						-- ToDo Make Steam Logic

This detects if it’s a ramp or a floor…

So if I’m understanding correctly, you want to place the surface part if the raycast hits a floor?

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a floor or a angled floor, yess.

edit: Technically the ray is searching for a wall, to then say - “This is a wall, I’m looking for a floor, so if anything is diffrent than a wall, then place a platform”

edit2: I hope you get me… :sweat_smile:

Your method of detecting if it’s a floor is a bit flawed. I recommend using the raycast result’s normal. You can verify if it’s a floor if the Y component is a value greater than 0.

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I did that :sweat_smile: this is my 5th try on making it, and this method was the only one that worked so far… maybe I did the others wrong

This has been killing my brain :joy: :joy: :joy: I have since yesterday working on it.

The raycast normal solution isn’t working?

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