Help, I can't select anything under a frame gui


Here’s a video of the problem. I think it started after my pc shutdown when the power went out for a moment.

As you can see I can’t select UI elements properly, it selects frames that are empty and seems to ignore Z order, I can’t work like this, it is literally impossible to select any buttons when there are frames present now.

I tried reloading. I tried deleting studio and installing it again… I see no settings that may help, I don’t know what to do… please help if you can


This is because the frames are set to visible. If any frame is visible it will still get selected, even if it’s completely invisible.

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That was absolutely not the case just a day ago. It was completely fine until the pc shutdown.


Also this makes no sense if I have a button on the frame I can’t select the button as you can see in the video. It is literally impossible to select most elements

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Well that seems odd. It just couldn’t have been that roblox rolled out an update that did this, because as long as I have been developing, this has always been the case. It could be that roblox sometimes rearranges priorities of some gui elements. For that you could increase the ZIndex property of the GUI’s in accordance to your needs.

That is also a really popular issue related to roblox’s gui editor. I have seen many reports on people not being able to select the text label which is on-top of another frame, rather, they end up selecting the frame. It could be usually caused by the Active property of the elements.

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I tried Zindex. doesn’t help, it just ignores it for some reason… switch off Active doesn’t help either, no property changes help, tried them all

I just found something and its not good… my Zindex became inverted??? so visibility is dictated in one way and selection order is dictate in the OPPOSITE order, WTH

Yeah, it always has been done like that. I think I also mentioned something similar to this above that roblox sort of prioritizes selection a bit differently.

If the frame is what holds the button, then make sure its transparency is set to 1

You could also set the ZIndex Behaviour to Global rather than sibling, and then set the buttons ZIndex to a higher number than the frame (set by 1 at default)

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Too lazy to check if it’s been mentioned yet but have you tried turning off Interactable on the frame?

I saw this message after posting. Make sure that the screen GUI has ZIndex behaviour set to global and like @TestyLike3 mentioned, try turning off Interactable

As I said. I already tried both

Same thing has been happening to me as well you’re not alone.


i got the same problem rn, i tried everything and nothing. This come with the latest update


Same issue here… makes it impossible to work on ui now. I think theyve inverted Zindex behavior or something. So annoying


We should all bug report this I think


Same here! I usually get around this with Z Index or temporarily making the background transparency set to 1 but even that isn’t working.

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Yeah Im experiencing the exact same issue too. Its not working correctly on games whose ui zindex behavior is set to sibling or global, I thought that was the issue but it seems not.

This has been happening to me to… It’s really been bugging me :melting_face:

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Happening there as well, I’m bored of these bugs.

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