Help... I think i'm about to panic

I’ve had a script for 50 cars to arrange their parts individually and give their properties individually.

When I looked in the actual developer page I saw the code below:
So I copied it.

local part = script.Parent
-- The properties to set
-- This will make the part light and bouncy!
local density = .3
local friction = .1
local elasticity = 1
local frictionWeight = 1
local elasticityWeight = 1
-- Construct new PhysicalProperties and set
local physProperties =, friction, elasticity, frictionWeight, elasticityWeight)
part.CustomPhysicalProperties = physProperties

Now I look at the properties of my baseparts and the order is rearranged in this fashion

Will I have to go back to rearrange everything again?? Please tell me i dont

I don’t believe you do, whatever is displayed doesn’t exactly mean that the arguments may be in that exact order. Besides, the developer page shows the parameters in this order

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thanks you saved me man. I was hoping i wasn’t going to do a rewrite of 50 cars.

Well it’s kind of inefficient that you’re doing 50 car scripts, why not use a module script?

Different cars have different properties. I’ve thought about it before and it’s no big issue.

Oh ok, well at least you got it fixed/solved