Help in fixing delay for character model handled on server

Found a code snippet from a post that allowed you to handle the character on the server entirely, I’ve modified it a bit and made my own “replication” system. The problem I’m having right now is that the replication takes time to reach the clients. I want it to feel as responsive as possible for the client.

Is there any way to do this? Video attached shows my problem.

Edit: Here’s the place file -
Server-Handled Movement System.rbxl (69.4 KB)


That’s just a limitation all games have to go through. In my opinion, the benefit of prevent a little bit of cheaters is not worth ruining the experience of everyone else. If you really want this though, it MIGHT work fast if you use unresponsive remote events if you aren’t using them already.


I am using UnreliableRemotes, the problem is that not everyone has a stable connection, even if they’re playing a competitive game. I do want this because it’s easier than chickynoid, which barely has any documentation.


I just figured out that you can simulate humanoids on the client, maybe this would be worth looking into? I’ll try and make a system.


Okay, but I still don’t see any need for this. If you are doing it for custom movement, you can just looking into the new custom character controllers. I’ve used them before and they are great. Otherwise, there isn’t any reason for this.


No, I’m doing it for server sided movement for extra security when it comes to movement.

I’ve tested it, it prevents teleport cheats and speed hacks.


Okay, so this works - if not for a little bit of desync with moving objects.


Yeah I get that, but I would argue that it isn’t worth the unresponsive movement. That would just push all players away from the game.

What did you change in that video? So the grey character is the new and the yellow is the previous?


The grey is client simulated, the yellow is the server. I’m returning the grey one to the server character if the distance is too far. I’m still experimenting but it looks good so far.


Okay, so the grey is what the player will see of themselves, and the yellow is what other people will see? I think that fixes the problem with the player’s character feeling unresponsive. The only downside would be that other people would lag behind just a little bit, but that isn’t too big of a deal. Good job.