Help in making an overlaying glow for a mesh

I apologise if someone has already made a thread on this before. I am unfamiliar with the correct term for this and searching has not produced favourable results. If someone has a thread on the same topic and could link it, that’d be great as well. I’m still actively searching.

I’m currently looking to create a glow overlay effect for my sword. By glow effect, I mean that a duplicate of my sword in the same position will have the glow show over the original sword when activated. Unfortunately, because of the way resizing works, it leaves some ugly messes that I do not want. Details and attempts are below.

Here, I have two swords; a textured and detextured version. The goal is for the dark sword to overtake the textured sword such that when the dark sword is on top of the textured sword, the textured sword will not show at all.


I cannot swap transparencies of the sword. Instantaneous transitions are not what I’m looking for and I could easily edit the textured version to reflect the properties of the dark sword. As for transitioning both between transparent and opaque, Z-fighting occurs and there is some translucency I do not want.

Simply placing one on top of the other does not work because of Z-fighting issues.

Resizing the dark sword and repositioning it doesn’t work well either. Z-fighting issues are eliminated but the textured sword remains visible due to the misaligned meshes. The same issues apply when I attempt to scale the mesh in Blender.

Changing the size across a single axis works, but leaves another axis in a position of Z-fighting.

Note: Below marked solution is temporary. Still looking for responses.


Resolved my issue, or rather I temporarily did. I hope this does not cause any kind of unwanted behaviour, so I am still open to any further help.

Issue has something to do with the way Roblox material textures work and which part gets precedence over Z or something. The items above were mere examples: I was working with a separated version of the mesh but experienced the same problem.

Turns out Roblox textures are the problem. Something to do with the UV map or something, I don’t really know how the texturing works. All I know is that it caused my problem.


The following image is my sword.

Now, I make a duplicate of the blade, and make it neon, so there are two parts of the exact same nature overlapping each other. Observe what happens when I give the non-neon blade the Granite texture, the neon one gets suppressed.

But now look what happens when I change the material from Granite to SmoothPlastic. The neon no longer gets suppressed.

Do Roblox material textures have a slight hint of 3D to them which causes this suppression behaviour? I wanted to attempt to resize the blade to prevent the neon from getting suppressed but it seems simply changing the material works.

This is somewhat of a compromise on quality and not a full fix, but I’ll have to do it if I want to retain my desired effect of being able to transition a glow onto the sword, as follows:

For reference, neon has a higher Z precedence than the following materials (neon will not be suppressed if you make an exact duplicate part using any of these materials):

  • DiamondPlate
  • Fabric
  • Foil
  • Ice
  • Metal
  • Neon (obviously)
  • Pebble
  • Plastic
  • Sand
  • SmoothPlastic
  • Wood

I tries this with parts and smooth plastic seems to be on top of neon… :thinking: