[HELP] Joining a game and being teleported to another || Virus?

I have a game and it randomly teleports players to this game:
:link: [ Content Deleted ] - Roblox

I haven’t enabled anything to allow it to do so (or that I am aware of) and the description says this:
“>> Message to ROBLOX staff/admins
This game is not “exploiting” or botting players. These are real players.
The creator of their game has allowed us to use our special fast-load technology to make their players run at better FPS. Thank you.”

Can someone help me fix this?


You probably have a script in your game which is teleporting you.

So go to your Roblox Studio.

Then go to View
Click on Find Results and in the tab that pops up click the binoculars, and in the ‘Find What’
Put Teleport.
It should show a script with a TeleportationService, then thats the script that is teleporting you.



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Hmm, then put in the game ID instead of ‘teleport’

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The script is most likely Obfusucated, Make sure that you have only Verified Plugins , models etc.

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thats a Serverside. Check all your plugins as some of them could be malicous.


I’ve been trying to find the same thing in one of my games. I have no free models. I’ve tried to find a script that seems weird.

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I know the plugin isn’t mine but 5-10 players have access to the game, after they leave is there a script that stays there or something?

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Where can I find verified plugins on dev forum?

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You can’t. You should just make sure all the plugins you use are from trustworthy creators, and that the plugin you’re using is the legitimate one (malicious users re-upload the plugins en-masse with the same icon, name and description but wrap them in a backdoor wrapper).


I’m pretty sure I accidently installed a plugin that was a fake version of KinqAndi’s lowpoly builder. I’ll check my plugins later.


I have found the solution. Try checking duplicate or suspicious plugins. If it hasn’t been fixed, try checking the models.

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Obfuscation is hard to read, but the way it’s written is easy to find. Try searching “getfenv” or “require.”


I found out what the problem was. It was a plugin I downloaded about 3 years ago.

I have had this issue before, and It’s normally plugins, when in test mode you may notice a script being added in ServerScriptService, called ClientReplicator, if you go into this script it will try and teleport you, have a look in the output for Cannot Teleport in Studio, this is normally a plugin, also, I recommend trying not to use Free Models, I know sometimes in unavoidable, however if possible try to avoid them.

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Hello, sorry if this is late but if anything happens like this in the future, I suggest searching for any scripts that say “Weld”, and delete all of them. It happened to me before, and I figured out that was the issue. Goodluck!

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Probably some random backdoor. Try doing the following:

  1. Do Ctrl + Shift + F. This will open the “watch” window, also known as tool for hunting backdoors down.

  2. Search some things you think are suspisious. For example, “getfenv”, “require”, “synapse”, and others.

However, if you dont have any of scripts with these things, its probably botted sussy plugins, that you managed somewhy to install. Double check them and delete any suspisious plugins.

I hope i helped anyone here! Cheers :wink: