Help making a bot

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve
    I want to make a bot like this one as seen in this video that signs auto up on Roblox and join games and chats

  2. What is the issue? Yes I know I’m sure this is not against the Roblox tos

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I tried looking on the developer hub and I found nothing and on yt nothing

You’re gonna need a server and some complicated stuff, im sure nobody can give a specific help as its too complicated.

Can you link a post or video about it or @ sombody I can talk too?

I cant find any. If there was then there would be alot of bots like that in roblox games.

You are going to need an extensive knowledge of networking, programming, and general know-how in computers overall to understand/get this working.

I don’t know a fraction of how to make bots like these. However, these are some of the tools you’ll need to look into the direction of to get something like this done:

  • This Github Repository
  • Various multi-platform coding languages (PHP, JavaScript, Lua, etc.)
  • An impressive amount of knowledge around networking protocol.

I am a proponent of learning to do what you want at any means necessary. Even though I, myself, don’t know how to do something like this, a reputable friend has told me that this is at least 100 man-hours of work. I also doubt the legitimacy of this not being against ROBLOX’s ToS, especially since most use cases on ROBLOX for bots are nefarious, game-breaking, and generally experience-ruining individuals out for personal gain.

If this is simply a learning experience for you, then I wish you good luck.

HTML is not a bot programming language. HTML is not a programming language at all.

There is absolutely zero chance that you have found nothing if you have done prior research. There are tons of materials you can get from the Developer Forums, API reference from the Developer Hub and online materials to pick at from. If you couldn’t find anything, you didn’t actually search.

You need to do your own research. Find the appropriate libraries and related items, or break your question down into different parts and perform research that way.


So something like this is basically impossible?

That’s not what I’m suggesting. What I’m saying is that you need to do your own research, make an attempt and come back asking for help on your attempt, not asking for others to do the research and the work for you. That’s not how you use this category properly.

The fact that something like this exists at all should be a testament to the fact that it’s not impossible. The question is whether it’s actually allowed.