Ok so, yeah like it says in the title I need help making a custom console for my game to execute commands and such, I got the base of syntax highlighting done, but I don’t know how to make the actual console part of it, where it has the output and stuff in the actual console part, and you can execute commands through it, this is what I’m kind of basing it off of:
--// variables \\--
local console = script.Parent.console
local cmdbar = console.cmdbar
local output = console.output
local hotkey = Enum.KeyCode.P
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local word = string.split(cmdbar.Text, ' ')
--// syntax & colors \\--
local syntax = {
log = "255,0,0";
dog = "0,255,0";
--keyword = rgb color;
function insertHighlights(txt) --txt is the text you want to highlight
txt = " "..txt.." " --add some padding because my string pattern smells
for i,v in next, syntax do --loop through keywords
txt = txt:gsub("%A"..i.."%A",function(x) --replace keyword with result of function
return x:gsub(i,function(y) --remove %A and %A used to see if its a freestanding word (ig. foob wouldnt highlight)
return "<font color=\"rgb("..v..")\">"..y.."</font>" --richtext junk
return txt:sub(2,#txt-1) --remove padding added line #1 of function
function refreshOutput()
output.Text = insertHighlights("<font color=\rgb(41, 140, 184)\> > </font>"..cmdbar.Text)
--i dont know how to do the rest
I’ve made one of these before and have had some fun with it honestly. It isn’t too difficult either which is great and it looks good.
So basing off of your script, you are updating an existing textlabel and concatenating new outputs with old outputs. I recommend veering away from this and creating a new TextLabel for each entry instead. These are easily manageable by using UIListLayouts.
A few things to change:
1- Change output to be a ScrollingFrame
2- Change output’s CanvasSize to {1,0}, {0,0}
3- Change output’s AutomaticCanvasSize to Y
Here’s how I’d do it:
local commands = {
['hi'] = function()
return 'hello!'
local function getCommand(commandName)
for i,v in pairs(commands) do
if i == commandName then
return v
local function getResult(plainText)
-- here is where you'd determine the output
local splitString = string.split(plainText, ' ')
local command = splitString[1]
table.remove(splitString, 1)
local commandFunction = getCommand(command)
local output = commandFunction(splitString) -- send the arguments if needed
return output
if isEnterPressed then
local result = getResult(cmdbar.Text)
local newLabel = Instance.new('TextLabel') -- you could also just create a template and clone
newLabel.Text = result
newLabel.Parent = output
--// variables \\--
local console = script.Parent.console
local cmdbar = console.cmdbar
local output = console.output
local hotkey = Enum.KeyCode.P
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local word = string.split(cmdbar.Text, ' ')
local linenum = 0
--// syntax & colors \\--
local syntax = {
test = "255,0,0";
ban = "255,0,0";
--keyword = rgb color;
function insertHighlights(txt) --txt is the text you want to highlight
txt = " "..txt.." " --add some padding because my string pattern smells
for i,v in next, syntax do --loop through keywords
txt = txt:gsub("%A"..i.."%A",function(x) --replace keyword with result of function
return x:gsub(i,function(y) --remove %A and %A used to see if its a freestanding word (ig. foob wouldnt highlight)
return "<font color=\"rgb("..v..")\">"..y.."</font>" --richtext junk
return txt:sub(2,#txt-1) --remove padding added line #1 of function
local commands = {
['test'] = function()
return 'hello!'
--// functions cool B) \\--
local function getCommand(commandName)
for i,v in pairs(commands) do
if i == commandName then
return v
local function getResult(plainText)
-- here is where you'd determine the output
local splitString = string.split(plainText, ' ')
local command = splitString[1]
table.remove(splitString, 1)
local commandFunction = getCommand(command)
local output = commandFunction(splitString) -- send the arguments if needed
return output
if isEnterPressed then
local result = getResult(cmdbar.Text)
local newLabel = Instance.new('TextLabel') -- you could also just create a template and clone
newLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
newLabel.Text = insertHighlights(result)
newLabel.Name = "line "..linenum + 1
newLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
newLabel.Parent = output
Try making an if statement to check if something was returned,
local commandFunction = getCommand(command)
if commandFunction then
local output = commandFunction(splitString) -- send the arguments if needed
return output