I’ve been trying to find tutorials on how to make a datastore but I’m not sure how to fit it into my scripts. Any help is very appreciated
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local statsStore = DataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("SlayerStats")
local data = Instance.new("Folder")
data.Name = "Data"
data.Parent = player
local Strength = Instance.new("IntValue")
Strength.Name = "Strength"
Strength.Value = 0
Strength.Parent = data
local def = Instance.new("IntValue")
def.Name = "Defense"
def.Value = 0
def.Parent = data
local br = Instance.new("IntValue")
br.Name = "Breathing Level"
br.Value = 0
br.Parent = data
local lastname = Instance.new("StringValue")
lastname.Name = "Bloodline"
lastname.Value = "Bumbalough"
lastname.Parent = data
local Rank = Instance.new("StringValue")
Rank.Name = "Rank"
Rank.Value = "None"
Rank.Parent = data
local Race = Instance.new("StringValue")
Race.Name = "Race"
Race.Value = "Human"
Race.Parent = data