Help Making a Gui teleport button

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I am trying to make a GUI button that puts players who press it into a queue and teleports them to a different place.
  2. What is the issue?
    The Issue is I haven’t found any tutorials on how to do this
  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I searched youtube,, and devforum.

Specific type? (In-game or to another place?)

To another place in asset manager

Assuming you already have the UI for it:

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local PlaceId = 000000 -- Replace with the place id!
local Button = script.Parent
local Queue = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("", true) -- Add the queue part the players teleport to in the speech marks, the script will do the rest.
local PlayersToTeleport = {}
    local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService")
    Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Queue.CFrame
    table.insert(PlayersToTeleport, Player.Name)
    task.wait(10) -- How long the player waits to be teleported.

    for i = 1, #PlayersToTeleport do
        local CurrentPlayer = PlayersToTeleport[i]
        TS:TeleportAsync(game.Players:FindFirstChild(CurrentPlayer), PlaceId)

        if not PlayersToTeleport then

This is a LocalScript inside the button which players click to get teleported. Let me know any issues!

Thanks A lot! I was stuck on this for a couple of hours. I’ll let you know if it works.

Yessir, have a great holiday! :santa:

It didn’t end up working because of my camera script for the main menu. Here is the game link so you can see what I mean. I think the camera script keeps teleporting the player back to the main menu position if that makes any sense.

game link:Escape From Tarblox - Roblox

is there any way I can put them in the queue without teleporting them to a part?

You’d have to teleport them to a part, but you could use the touched event in a normal script in the queue, then add them to a table, and take apart my script to teleport them. Something like this:

    local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
    if not Player then return end
        local playersToTeleport = {}
    table.insert(playersToTeleport, Player.Name)

    for i = 1, #playersToTeleport do
        local CP = game.Players:FindFirstChild(i)
        game:GetService("TeleportService"):TeleportAsync(CP, 000000) -- Replace 000000 with your game ID.

I believe that would work.

This still hasn’t worked sadly. I even tried making some changes to the scripts to make them compatible with my camera script but that didn’t work either.

Hello, I have made a model for this you can use it here:

let me know if you have any problems

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I myself was able to make one using a tutorial from youtube if you have problems I could send the script

Thanks so much. This took longer than I expected. And thanks to everyone else that tried to help as well.