Help making a inventory

Hello all!, I have some struggles with my scripting today and I would like some knowledge on how to go around these issues.

I have made the store for the players items they have =
Näyttökuva 2022-07-31 221017

But I wanna make a inventory gui where all of the armor pieces and items owned show up in a ui grid layout.
like this:

Näyttökuva 2022-07-31 222141

I am not experienced with inventories as you can tell, so I looked around some tutorials , but I have a problem where I don’t know how to get the contents of the armor dictionary’s tables (I need the contents ) aswell as the Weapons dictionarys contents, can they be got at once somehow, and how would I make a good inventory system for them, mainly I need to know how to get the contents at once, but some help on the inventory itself would be great.

local function setupInventory(Player)
	local Profile = Datastore[Player]
	local Inventory = Profile.Data.Items
	local PlrGui = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
	local InventoryMainGui = PlrGui:WaitForChild("Inventory")
	local InventoryGui = InventoryMainGui:WaitForChild("MainFrame"):WaitForChild("Inventory")
	local armoritems = Profile.Data.Items.Armor
	local WeaponIntems = Profile.Data.Items.Weapons
	if type(Inventory) ~= "table" then
		for _ , v in pairs(Inventory) do
			local itemgui = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Gui"):WaitForChild("Template"):WaitForChild("Item")
			itemgui.Name = v
			itemgui.ItemName.Text = v
			itemgui.Parent = InventoryGui

I have been really struggling with this today so help would be more than great towards my scripting experience.