I’m trying to make a kill feed that would look something like this. Currently at moment I just have a kill feed that says ‘Player1 Rifle Player 2’ But it’s only in the colour of the player who killed the other. I wanna be able to have 3 labels, one to the left which is the name and team colour of the player, one to the right with the name and team colour of the dead player and the middle to just be white, which has the name of the weapon.
I’m not sure how to size the labels properly though, as someone may have an excesively longer name compared to others. And in the example is has different size boxes depending how much room the text takes up. The text is also all the same size, but since I have text wrapped and scaled it can make certain names appear larger than others.
As can be seen here, the text on the right is forced to be incredibly small, but if you have a player with a shorter name then it’s really large and becomes almost impossible to balance it out completely.