I’m not too sur who’s you would do that, but I would get the Player that killed the other (if you already have that it’s easy) and then get the killFeed GUI, change the text to the killed player name
You can ‘tag’ the player when they are killed by someone. Then, using the Humanoid.Died event, you can check to see if they are tagged. If they are, then display the text of ‘player has been killed by ___’, substituting the tagged value. If not, display a simpler text.
Once the player respawns, remove the tag from the killed player.
A nice and easy way of tagging someone is to use CollectionService, which can be used by both server and client scripts.
The person who died within the script (you could find where it shows the hit and make a segment where you find out if the player has died). When the player has died. Use remote events and make a ServerScript. Send the player name and player killed through server. (first parameters of OnServerEvent is always player who fired it).
On the server Script you just clone a text and use for i loops (for i, players in pairs(Game:GetPlayers()), Replace the text with the name of player and name of player who got killed. For random messages. Use tables and get a random word in that table.
local textmessages = {" died to ", " hated ", " killed "}
local randomtext = textmessages[math.random(1, #textmessages)] -- return one of the values from the dogs table
gui.text = player.name.. randomtext .. playerwhodied.name