Help making a whitelist for egomooses gravity controller

I want all parts except parts named grav-part have the gravity controller off (this is for wall stick controller). I need this because I want only a few parts in my game to have gravity controller on. It would take too long to blacklist everything amd having a whitelist would make it so much simpler.

The problem is I do not understand any of the code (I am new to scripting)

I have tried putting if then statements in random spots but it does not seem to help. I have tried asking egomoose but he did not respond.

I need the code for the whitelist and I need to know where to put it.

Can you provide the code here?

There are a few scripts in the game. (It is open source so I will link the game)

I just do not know what code to put or where to put it.

I edited the place for you. LocalScript name: LocalWallstick, Line 120

EgoMoose’s Gravity Controller - Edited.rbxl (185.0 KB)


i just tested it and it does not seem to work. i just got the time to test it now.

Works fine for me, did you change the parts name to grav-part? So they’re ignored

Yes I did. Can you test it by naming a part grav-part? (It does not work for me) (also it is supposed to be only parts that are named grav-part that are not ignored)

Grav-part is supposed to make the part not ignored (all OTHER parts are supposed to be ignored)

So is there a way to make it work?

Did you get it to work yet? Because it is still not working

I know its a bit late, But I got it to work pretty easily. Here:
EgoMoose’s Gravity Controller - Edited.rbxl (190.9 KB) I basically changed the ~= to == in one of the local scripts


OMG thanks it worked now i can finally program my game

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