Help making my knowledge wider

Heya, I am trying to learn new complex topics about scripting, any ideas what can I learn? I already know oop and metatables.


RayCasting, ShapeCasting, Scripting physics etc.


Learn datastore(if you haven’t done it yet), collision groups(not that complex but useful), threads, some fast sorting algorithms, replication, inverse kinematics, coroutines ,projectile physics, learn wave function collapse, Bezier curves, greedy meshing algorithm etc.
You can try to make vehicle with suspension using physics.
You can also try to learn quad trees for fast collision detection, make your own pathfinding using pathfinding algorithms (A* or Dijkstra ), make your own pathfinding for troops using flowfield/vectorfield and boids.
Btw making your own pathfinding will take a lot of time.


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