Help making Nextbot movement more angular

Hey there, developers!

Didn’t know where to put this, but let’s have at it here.

To start things off, the attached Gyazo link will help demonstrate what the current movement looks like on the Nextbot.


As seen in the video, the movement is a bit linear and static. My end goal is to have the Nextbot sort of have slippery movement, where instead of just moving towards the player, it slides in a general direction before moving towards the player’s general location.

I’m horrible at explaining, let this video do everything.
(Feel free to skip anywhere in the video to find movement stuff. My original idea came in ~2:00 in the video)

From that video, anyone really know how to add this stuff?
I was thinking AngularVelocity and/or HipRotation, but I don’t think that’s the case.


I’m pretty sure in Evade they make the ground have very low friction. Since they have a custom movement system, you as a player can’t really tell.

I just remembered that even in the air they have “frictionless” movement. I’m not quite sure how they achieve that.

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I’ve found that they use magnitude to have frictionless movement.

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I will definitely give this a shot though.

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Seems to work to an extent, but it can cause the general movement to look akward.

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