Help making single texture from multiple textures into a single mesh

Man, I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to make a single texture file from multiple textures in Blender.

I am trying to create a hair/hat which requires using a single mesh and a single texture ID, but my single mesh (which I have joined into one) has multiple base colors. I was somewhat able to bake it, but when i use the texture png I made, it doesn’t match up and everything is off. I am using Blender 2.91

Here is what I have done:

Each object has been assigned material basecolor. I created a node in shaders and added a new texture image node and created a blank alpha channel image as this will be my final baked single image.
The node is disconnected.
I copied this node to all my other textures, as to let the textures each bake into this newly made blank image.

I then joined my objects into a single mesh

i went into edit mode and selected ALL of my mesh and unwrapped it using the Unwrap selection in UV in 3d window. I also tried using Smart UV Project

I then went into renderer and selected bake options and selected diffuse and un checked direct and indirect and left color only checked and pressed bake

I can see my textures in the file after saving it, but when i go into roblox studio and import my mesh (which is fine) then add the texture ID to it, its not wrapping it properly.

So I do not know if I unwrapped it properly, or if the margins are off, or what needs to be done to get Roblox Studio to wrap it correctly

What do I do? help please!

Here is how the mesh looks in roblox studio


I FINALLY figured it out after some trial and error!!!

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How’d you do it? Quite curious as I will probably run into this someday

There were several different things i did not do. I will make a youtube video on this and post it here

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Ohh, thanks man, I hope you can @ me when you do it since i’ll be the first viewer.

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about to upload the video to youtube now
