Help me choose a style for my admin panel

Hi there! I am a UI designer that has been designing UI since 2017 and currently, I am remaking my admin panel, I am thinking of switching the style but I am not sure is it good or not.

I currently have 2 designs for the panel, please rate which one is the best.

Design 1

Design 2

  • Design 1
  • Design 2

0 voters


Design 2 is a lot easier to look at, and it’s simple yet effective.

If you wanted to take it further, you could add dark theme to the second one as an option (but following a similar theme, with things in relatively the same places as in design 2).


Agreeing to what @Polyheximal said. It’s a simple, but most easy to navigate design.

I like Design 1 better, considering it’s easier on the eyes, but if you want to you could make a dark mode/light mode option in the panel.

I kind of like the design 1 more… it just has a very nice feeling to it.

is it okay to make 2 design for the admin panel?

I’m pretty sure you can only have one. I mean, yeah, you can make a concept for 2 designs, but you can pick only one design.

Yea… Well umm the first one just straight up looks like an exploit GUI, second one also but its way better and more detailed :slight_smile:. I would use the second one as its just cleaner and better looking, i would also add white/dark mode switch to make peoples lifes better :rofl:. Amazing job on both, im sure you will improve even more. :stuck_out_tongue: