Help me Gui dose gets longer or shorter on the wrong side when Screen gets bigger or smaler

How to fix it here is a video


i’m pretty sure you can do that with uiaspectratio


what is uiaspectratio
and what can uiaspectratio it do?

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idrk how to like phrase it but it “square-ifies” things, but you can edit the ratio to make it more rectangular



but way dose my post cant have onder 30 cgaracters


if it works for you, mark it as a solution so we can close the topic

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i dont tink it woks or am i using it wrong

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Isn’t that what you wanted? I may be wrong tho

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Use this

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i want so the gui is olways on the top and so it is not gouing down wean the screen change size

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Have you tried autoscale as @Yonakanagi suggested? I’m pretty sure you have but I may be incorrect? If you have, Idrk what you mean

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but how to make so when gui gets bigger or smaler so the proplem is wean it gets bigger the gui go down

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In the nicest possible way I can’t understand what ur saying

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Install this plugin and select the UI ( Frame, ImageLabel, etc) u want to be AutoScale


it dose not work i used but scale and tish hapened

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Have u tried using " UIAspectRatioConstraint " ?

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Could you try on mobile testing

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yes yes

and way can i make a post that is under 30

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how to make on gui so wean screen change size then the guis deraction it gets bigger or smaler so it dose not go from upp to down so it gos down to upp

or a way to make wean the screen size changes then the gui is olways on the top

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i fixed it by i notes that if the gui is not - Value
then it works but the it got bad and i fixed the bed by plasing a frame so it locks normal

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