Help me improve my 2D artwork!

Please help me by critiquing my art so I can improve it, thanks!


He looks very tired like he hasn’t slept in weeks


very well indeed

Looks like someone pretty fat with those thick fingers and giant eyebrows Wow

The face could use work and also the hand looks weird, I think you should show the shoulders as well

I’m not too sure if the face is intentional or is your art style, but it looks good! All I could say is work on expressions.

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Hey Joel,

Nice to see you again ^^

I think it’s good enough. More or less you’ve perfected your “style”. (i.e: you make certain artistic choices that don’t change, and are not mistakes.)

If you feel like you don’t like the style that you’re at, perhaps it’s good to start looking at some other artists. Find a style/artist you like, and study it.

Mind you, study, not copy. Through this, you would probably start picking up on how different people do things, and you get to pick and choose what additions you want to adopt. :slight_smile: