Help me making a « simple » avatar editor

Hello, everyone. I’ve been actively posting on the forum for a few days now and I think that might annoy some people because my questions aren’t that “interesting” but I need your help.

I would like to code a GUI avatar editor system that can add and remove:
-CustomCharacters ( example Man, or Boy ).

Once the player has finished editing his avatar, the avatar (a startercharacter) must be reused in other places in my game (I hope to be understandable. Example: RetroStudio).

Now here’s how I would like to organize it all:

  • Put hats, clothes, faces etc in folders in ReplicatedStorage or ServerStorage. Then a script clones them and puts it in the StarterCharacter.

  • For the “CustomCharacters”, put them also in a folder. When selected by the player, the old statercharacter is put back into the folder and the new one is cloned to be put into StarterPlayer and in turn serve as StarterCharacter.

I hope I have been clear and understandable despite my very poor English. Don’t hesitate to correct my ideas.

Bye !


Oh and if there´s a way to change the body type of the character via a button ( R6 <->R15)


this just feels like you’re commissioning people to make something rather than asking how to make it. or… just asking for the model


Sorry if you may have misunderstood, I worded my post extremely poorly and I apologize. To be clear and precise, I’m asking

How to make a “basic” avatar editor that handles hats, hair, shirts etc… ?

Is it possible to switch R6-R15?

How to save the avatar via a script or other, then reuse them in other places that my game will contain automatically ?

I hope this was better worded and better understood.

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I recommend checking out videos on how to change items on a character avatar.

There are many sources as well as the roblox doc. Like here are some sources I found (there is more with a quick google search!):

Video about clothing

Video about Hats / Hair

These work in the 3D world, but can easily be added into Gui elements!

You can, there are sources. I found this post that has a script. I’m not sure if it works, because I haven’t had to deal with r15 / r6 changes.

You will want to learn how to use datastores and store this information on the characters appearance, and then load it on request. There are many videos, roblox docs, and other sources on roblox datastores and how to save data!


Thanks you for your reply, I will learn the stuffs that you wrote. Just to know, can datastore « save » a model (StarterCharacter ) ?

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It cannot. You need to save the strings / Items names / IDs of items. And then rebuild them based on the data you saved


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