Help me please! I am making a map for my simulator (new screenshots)

Can anyone point out what else to add or anything that should be removed! for this map


Ok here are some stuff you can improve on

  • The map is very bright try darkening the colors
  • Add some textures
  • Why are the trees a darker shade than the boarders? You should have the same color. Same goes for the floor
  • Why is the map so small compared to your character?
  • Try adding more clouds.
  • Add more variety to your borders. Ex: rotating them, changing their size, etc.

There’s a lot of room for improvement so I’ll let you decide what you need to change on based on that. Good luck!


ty for the response, i will make some changes and update this post once I am done;
thanks for taking the time to reply much appreciated

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what do you think about those new screenshots of my simulator map?

I have created 2 buildings? what’s your opinion? anyone?

Sorry for the late response, but I think it’s much better. I like the textures. Only thing is the rainbow is too bright and you could try lightening up the textures by making the textures more transparent.


Here is a good idea add worlds so people can play in more areas.

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np, ty for the response, much appreciated. I have made the clouds and rainbow parts a little bit transparent.

thanks for the suggestion, I indeed have the idea to make more maps(one by one) for players to roam around; after finishing this one.

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@LegendPX_Taken Hope to see your game on the popular page!

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