Help me stress test some trees!

So, @chichine and I’s upcoming game, Tropics Paradise, we found out that our builder overlooked the fact each tree model in-game was 566 parts typically, and there’s 264 trees in game, so there’s a total amount of 150,000 parts rounded in the game just from the trees alone.

So, we’re currently trying to optimize it, please test out all of these 3 places and reply to this post on which place had the best gameplay/performance for you. Include ‘Peformance Stats’ if you can as well.


Test Places

Non-Mesh Tree Stress Test - Roblox

Mesh Trees Stress Test - Roblox

Union Trees Stress Test - Roblox

  • Non-Mesh Trees
  • Mesh Trees
  • Unioned Trees

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Something seriously has to change about the way your team goes about optimizing meshs, or it will be a bad time

For comparisons, Meep City, which I use as a benchmark for the ability to get a sizable mobile audience without lag, is about 400k triangles in the main central square

What does this mean? Forgive me for my studio illiteracy, I just need some clarification.


The “tri” is short for triangles. It’s how many triangles it takes to make the models what they are. You’ll want to minimize these or else you will fill up the Ctrl Shift F6 (lag meter) with too much Render lag.


Thanks, I guess we’ll re-build the trees.


The mesh trees are definitely giving out better performance.

Non-Mesh Tree

Here the non-mesh trees are taking up waaaaaay more memory compared to the mesh trees.

Mesh Tree
(~500 mb less)


Good idea, may not have a choice if you want the maximum amount of players to be able to handle the game, with that many trees.

By the way, find your triangle count in studio or in game by Ctrl Shift F2

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Everything is unanchored in the second world (mesh trees). If you stand still for long enough you can see the leaves slowly slip downwards.

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We thought that, but then one our users reported lag.

Then thanks to @mimi_dev we found out the lag stems from the fact the meshes aren’t anchored.