Help me understand the structure of a multi-server game

Immediately please forgive me for poor English (deepl - translator). This is my first topic
Help me understand how servers communicate with each other, I know that there are only 2 ways: 1.DataStore. 2.MessagingService.
Neither of them guarantees the delivery of information from one server to the other. I want to make general lottery for all servers simultaneously, but I’m afraid that handling it on one server may overwrite data on other servers with error, so I need to make inter-server communication as safe and with guarantee of delivery as possible. I would also be very grateful if you could direct me to a resource with a detailed guide on how the servers work and how they interact with each other in the same game.

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do not use datastores as they’re used for high amounts of data in a short amount of time. messagingservice can be useful but as you’ve stated there’re limitations and you may not be guaranteed to get your message through depending on how you implement it. a service that may be of use is MemoryStoreService, i haven’t used it ever and i’m not sure how to implement it but it may be of use to check out the wiki page on it.

as for how multi-server games work, there is some way that servers communicate to one another. messagingservice uses topics to publish messages to and receive them across servers. it can used to relay info such as your lottery information, or it can be used for announcements across all servers. datastores can be jerry-rigged to do something similar by having all servers listen to a datastore and view information from that, constantly updating it to communicate to one another through UpdateAsync.


Thank you, I will try it. I see that there aren’t many options, but somehow they do it. It seems to me, that would greatly facilitate the situation by adding a separate game server with to store the global values, it would take place all the calculation, and then he would pass all the servers response almost instantly and most importantly, that it was without limits on the number of requests and responses per minute

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