Help me with DevEx

You never explained what is against the ToS that he is breaking. Epic developer moment.

In the meantime, perhaps try a different browser? Some bugs only occur on certain browsers, so it might work on something else.

He’s not breaking ToS I’d be doing that by insisting he make a gif because that would be giving out personal information since he can’t cover his personal information.

I just tested and the error persists ;-;

can you check if the problem also occurs with you?

I do not have enough robux to check at the moment.

ok, i was so happy that i would finally see reward for my efforts and i failed.

I’ll wait for Roblox’s answer now, thanks to everyone who tried to help me

Also I don’t know if this email is invalid now, but whenever I have issues with devex I email

hello, just to let you know that roblox sent me gmail, the problem is that “Translation” on the bottom part of the page roblox has to be in english to be able to insert the amount of robux that i intend to remove, thanks again for the help…


I know what might be causing this Error!

The translation of the roblox page, try to change the language of your roblox, in the Portuguese Brazil version I also had this error!

It’s a roblox error, if someone goes through the same, try changing the language to English

It’s very simple, just type “350,000” in another place, such as the Windows search engine, copy that text and then paste it with Ctrl + V in the DevEx box.