Guys can you help me fix the buttons beacuse i dont know how to.
First i got 1 button working than when i add second one it got glitched.
I tried alot but i still can figure it out.

Guys can you help me fix the buttons beacuse i dont know how to.
First i got 1 button working than when i add second one it got glitched.
I tried alot but i still can figure it out.
Can you please send a screenshot of the explorer?
What @SeargentAUS want to see is the names of the buttons. If the names are the same then it will glitch out
it works just fine for me tho??
That’s not OP.
OP is yet to respond to any questions; Estio merely attempted to recreate what OP had with the minimal information that was provided to us.
Well… Thats a dissapointment. I personally hate it when people just ghost the topic after making it 3 minutes ago. And by 3 minutes I mean you made a post 3 minutes after the topic was made. No one can sleep that quick now.
probably eating right now haha
Hmm, that can be possible. But no one takes half an hour to eat. Yea, lets stop the topic about what he could be doing rn lol.
I am eating and I need to have some rest so see ya
But message if you know what to fix
You’re updating the wrong frame.
local ShopFrame = script.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild(“buyWins Frame”) and NOT buyWins
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