Help me with Logical Operator

I’m a little confused in logical operators but not too much like for example I kinda get And, or but I don’t really get not statements. Hope this made sense.

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Um… They are pretty much, kind of the Operators that control your scripts.

Here is a Good Documentation/Tutorial that may help you figure this out in a better way:

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x and y will evaluate as y if x is truthy, otherwise it will evaluate as x and not evaluate y (short circuiting)

x or y will evaluate as y if x is falsy, otherwise it will evaluate as x and not evaluate y (short circuiting)

not x will evaluate as true if x is falsy, otherwise it will evaluates as false

false and nil are falsy, everything else is truthy.

Some good examples can be found here: lua-users wiki: Operators Tutorial


Truth tables help visualise it:

Input Output
A B and or and not or not
false false false false true true
true false false true true false
false true false true true false
true true true true false false

The not operator basically is Used to reverse the logical state of its operand.

A basic example of this in use.

local someVariable -- Variable is declared but has no value, so it's nil
if not someVariable then
	print(someVariable )  -- Outputs "nil" since nil is not true

Control Structures | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub – You can use that as a source maybe.

Logical Operators (Symbols)

if A == B then will check if variable A has the same value as B
if A ~= B then will check if variable A does not have the same value as B
if A > B then will check if variable A is greater than B
if A < B then will check if variable A is less then B
if A >= B then will check if variable A is greater than or equal to B
if A <= B then will check if variable A is lesser than or equal to B

Relational Operators (Keywords)

if A then will check if variable A has a value or if A is true
if not A then will check if variable A is false
if A or B then will first check if variable A is true or has a value, if A is false, it will check if B is true or has a value
if A and B will check both variable A and B if true or has a value

That’s a lot of true
If statements always seek for a condition that is true. Like…
if not A if A = true, the if statement will not work, becasue it is looking for a variable that has a value of false or will result to false.


local A = true
local B = true

if A == B then
    A = not B --A will become false because of the `not`
local A = true
local B = false

if A or B then
    print("One of them was true")
    print("None of them was true")
local A = true
local B = true

if A and B then
    print("Both are true")
    print("At least one or all of them is false")
local A = true
local B = false

if A == not B then -- this could also be `if A ~= B then`
    print("A is not equal to B")
    print("A is equal to B")

A == not B is different from A ~= B

local A = 1
local B = 2
print("A ~= B is "..tostring(A ~= B))
print("A == not B is "..tostring(A == not B))

A ~= B is equivalent to not (A == B)

local A = 1
local B = 2
print("A ~= B is "..tostring(A ~= B))
print("not (A == B) is "..tostring(not (A == B)))

Also, operators aren’t globals?

print(getfenv()["and"]) --> nil

This was specific to my code example

I’m not really sure what to call it if it’s in word form. I’m gonna search that up



FYI: These are named Relational Operators.