Help moving players's character behind a door

I have a door script that plays a cutsence when the proximityPrompt is triggerd, but the problem is I dont know how to teleport the player on the otherside. I want to achieve this by moving the player character 5 studs on the other side of the door. My best guess was to use the players’s HRP lookvector, yet I couldnt figure that out, and thats flawed.

an image for refrence

local cutscene = require(script.Parent.Cutscene)

local door = {}

function Model)
	local self = setmetatable({}, {__index = door})
	self.proximityPrompt = Instance.fromExisting(script.Prompt)
	self.model = model
	return self

function door:Initilize()	
	self.proximityPrompt.Parent = self.model
		self.proximityPrompt.Enabled = false
		local newCutscene =
		for _,v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do
			pcall(function() v.Anchored = true end)
		newCutscene:Play(function() -- callbackfunction
			player.HumanoidRootPart.Postition = --teleport code here
			for _,v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do
				pcall(function() v.Anchored = false end)
			task.delay(4, function() self.proximityPrompt.Enabled = true end) --debounce

return door

the door script (uses collection service, the doors are tagged)

also want to point out I dont want to have to create 2 parts to teleport from each side of the door, that would be a hassle to implment.

I dunno if you mean this

local char = plr.Character
local part = script.Parent.Parent
local newPos = part:GetPivot():ToWorldSpace() *,0,2))

It teleports the player relative to the rotation of the part

that works but I still need a way to check which side the door is being opened from.

Yes. (Try using .Dot() and .Cross()) , good luck.

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Just a question, but why teleport them?
Why not just Tween the door open and let the player walk through?

well why open the door when you can teleport through it in style

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The system is inspired by this “Cool Loading Screens?” by OoferGuide.

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