!HELP! My cam acted weird when sit different chairs

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to restrict the camera’s rotation so players can’t see beyond their shoulders, with minimal errors. I mean the area behind the player’s back. Players should only be able to rotate until they reach the shoulders.

  2. What is the issue? Somehow, the camera only faces the exact side when sitting on a different chair positioned opposite.
    robloxapp-20250101-1549223.wmv (2.6 MB)

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Yes, I tried to find one similar to my situation, but there is none.

if subject.Sit then
                    local cf = camera.CFrame
                    local headPos, shoulderPos = self:GetSubjectPosition(subject)
                    if headPos and shoulderPos then
                        local toHead = (headPos - cf.Position).unit
                        local toShoulder = (shoulderPos - cf.Position).unit
                        local horizontalLookVector = Vector3.new(toHead.X, 0, toHead.Z).unit
                        local horizontalShoulderVector = Vector3.new(toShoulder.X, 0, toShoulder.Z).unit
                        local angle = math.deg(math.acos(horizontalLookVector:Dot(horizontalShoulderVector)))
                        if angle > 90 then
                            local directionToShoulder = (shoulderPos - cf.Position).unit
                            local clampedYaw = Vector3.new(directionToShoulder.X, 0, directionToShoulder.Z).unit
                            local stayLook = cf.Position + clampedYaw * (headPos - shoulderPos).Magnitude
                            local stayCframe = CFrame.new(cf.Position, stayLook)
                            local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(0.3, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
                            local tween = TweenService:Create(camera, tweenInfo, {CFrame = stayCframe})

Nvm, I got it. I figuired out and solved it. Its much better now
robloxapp-20250102-0846096.wmv (3.2 MB)

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