[HELP NEEDED] Roblox Studio Issue

I have opened the roblox studio today and I clicked on my game and now all I can see is this:

It is not loading it up nor does it say loading…

Can anyone give advice to fix it, Please?


The Log

2024-10-02T19:43:22.378Z,0.378377,19cc,6 [FLog::Output] RobloxGitHash: 96f73af13 - Pastebin.com

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Either refresh or close and reopen studio

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I have restarted my device, restarted studio. Many times.

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Maybe switch tabs from Group Games to My Games then switch back? Works for me when most of my games don’t load

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Try starting the game via the Creator Hub.

Are you opening it from your computer (the Studio button) or from the website (the Create tab)?
Try both.

I have tried both, @Hexler_Studios, @Dpelayo5907 and @Scottifly

Can you open your own games?--------

Negative however I did add the log file to the topic at the top.

I don’t know what that’s supposed to be, but it often says that a plugin couldn’t be loaded. Maybe turn off the plugins.

I cant get the manage plugins button to work either.

If you know which plugins you have, you could delete them from your inventory via the browser.

Your PC works, right?----------------------

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