I have a raycast, and I am trying to make it go in a circular motion by using a vector3 value and adding on to it
local Direction = (LookVector * 2000)+OffsetOrientation
local Cast = workspace:Raycast(Origin, Direction)
OffsetOrientation = Vector3.new(OffsetOrientation.X+CurveAmount,OffsetOrientation.Y,OffsetOrientation.Z)
That’s the code I have, which gives me this result
It raycasts from 0,17.5,0 from this part
I am trying to make the motion go like this (but as the vector3)
except instead of turning 90 degrees, it turns 5 degrees every repeat
local SideRotation = 45 local CurveAmount = 5
yet I do not have the scripting knowledge to make it do that
I would help however, the second i read [HELP NEEDED URGENT VERY URGENT PLEASE HELP]
my reading time ran out, Sorry lad.
Hate to be a downer but what you are trying to do simply is not possible. A raycast can only be fired in a straight line, period.
I mean that casting a raycast in a repeating function and with each cast, it adds on an orientation offset that gets altered/added/subtracted to each time it repeats
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local Direction = OffsetOrientation.LookVector * 2000
local Cast = workspace:Raycast(Origin, Direction)
OffsetOrientation = CFrame.Angles((OffsetOrientation.X+CurveAmount) * math.pi/180, OffsetOrientation.Y * math.pi/180, OffsetOrientation.Z * math.pi/180)
Something like this?
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I get Error:
invalid argument #1 (CFrame expected, got Vector3)
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Can you show more of your code?
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The OfffsetOreientation is a Vector3
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What line did you get the error on? Make sure you change
local Direction = (LookVector * 2000)+OffsetOrientation
local Direction = OffsetOrientation.LookVector * 2000
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If I changed it to that, then it wouldn’t cast the raycast towards the parts lookvector, aka where it’s facing, instead it would cast to Offset Orientation times two thousand
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The line I changed when you suggested the new code it errored
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I’m not exactly sure what you are trying to do, then.
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It is hard to Explain
Like example, if you had a laser and you made a circle with it, thats what im trying to do, but with raycasts in roblox
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Try replacing the direction line with
local Direction = (OffsetOrientation * [Part raycasting from].Orientation).LookVector * 2000
You might want to change the third line in the loop to
OffsetOrientation = CFrame.Angles(OffsetOrientation:ToEulerAngles() + CurveAmount * math.pi/180, 0, 0)
It would help if you could describe what you are trying to do.
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Ok I tried and it errored LookVector is not a valid memeber of Vector3
This Code Errored
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Can you please paste the errors you get
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LookVector is not a valid member of Vector3 -
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Change the line initializing OffsetOrientation to a Vector3 to instead initialize it to an identity CFrame
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what do you mean i do not understand
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