Help needed with crate opening system

I am having some problems with a crate opening system. (It was a tutorial but I changed it a lot) I don’t want one of those crate opening systems like MM2 or Jailbreak.

  1. What do you want to achieve? I made a crate opening system, it was a model in the tutorial (The model one works). But I want to turn it into a Gui.

  2. What is the issue? When you click a Gui button, nothing fires. There aren’t any errors or anything.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I have searched up on the dev forum about values and stuff. But nothing that I have found, I changed the script but it still doesn’t work.
    There aren’t any errors.

(On the right side of the screen is the Gui)

Script located in the Gui. (The script is named CrateOpeningScript)

local cost = 500

local BuyBtnCrate1 = script.Parent.AnimalPage.Crate1.BuyBtn

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local Money = player:WaitForChild("Money")

local skinModule = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("skinModule"))

	if player.Money.Value >= cost then
        print("If statement fired")
		player.Money.Value = player.Money.Value - cost

		local skin = skinModule.chooseRandomSkin()

		print(skin.Name.." selected")

		local skinVal ="StringValue")
		skinVal.Name = skin.Name
		skinVal.Parent = player.SkinInventory



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Can you send console screen when you clicking it please?

The event is called MouseClick, not MouseButton1Click.

    --Code here

ClickDetector? It’s a Gui, not a clickDetector

If its a gui, then I think you have to put the function in a LocalScript.

I changed it to a local script, but the only error that shows up related to this system is:
Infinite yield possible on ‘ServerScriptService:WaitForChild(“skinModule”)’
(This is what the local script looks like, I changed it a little)

local cost = 500

local BuyBtnCrate1 = script.Parent.AnimalPage.Crate1.BuyBtn

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local Money = player:WaitForChild("Money")

local skinModule = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("skinModule"))


	if player.Money.Value >= cost then
		player.Money.Value = player.Money.Value - cost

		local skin = skinModule.chooseRandomSkin()

		print(skin.Name.." selected")

		local skinVal ="StringValue")
		skinVal.Name = skin.Name
		skinVal.Parent = player.SkinInventory




Local scripts cannot access ServerScriptService. Consider putting your module scripts in Replicated Storage.

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Also from reading it over once more, you are now handling remote events and you aren’t securing them (from exploiters). An alternative option is having a Server Script choose the skin as opposed to firing the skin through the remote event. With this, you may also keep your module in Server Script Service as you are accessing it through a Server Script

You would just do the :MouseButton1Click and then right after fire the event to the server to handle everything. (From choosing the skin and equipping it)

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TheMagikMan12 is right, you cant get access to Server things from local script, try to put it in ReplicatedStorage

I took on board your feedback, but it still doesn’t work. The client fires the server but the server doesn’t for some reason pick it up. It prints “Fired Server!” and
Infinite yield possible on ‘ServerScriptService:WaitForChild(“skinModule”)’

My new Client Script

local BuyBtnCrate1 = script.Parent.AnimalPage.Crate1.BuyBtn

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer


	print("Fired Server!")


My new server script

local cost = 500

local skinModule = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("skinModule"))

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

	print("Picked up remote event on server!")
	if player.Money.Value >= cost then
		player.Money.Value = player.Money.Value - cost

		local skin = skinModule.chooseRandomSkin()

		print(skin.Name.." selected")

		local skinVal ="StringValue")
		skinVal.Name = skin.Name
		skinVal.Parent = player.SkinInventory



idk, try to check ways to this skinModule because this can dont work only if you writed wrong name or wrong way

Make sure “skinModule” is in ServerScriptService and is a Module Script. Infinite yield runs when you have a :WaitForChild() where the item inside cannot be found (so the script waits forever). Also considering you are firing a remote event back to the client after choosing the skin, I recommend also looking into a remote function. This would allow you to use the return statement as well as only needing to fire one remote.

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If I were you I’d put my modules in ReplicatedStorage. Pretty sure it works either way, but I’d still put it in Replicated. Also, why are you doing WaitForChild when you can just do game.ReplicatedStorage(or ServerScriptService).modulename?